To realize it vision and mission an organization has to manage its knowledge to compete with another organization. One of that way is with knowledge management (KM) applies. Invariably, as an organization PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA), to facing the competition and high demand it was need knowledge management for answering every work demand.
As a continued and commiment WIKA applying knowledge management in the company organization, so in August 18th 2005 Kick off knowledge management applied as Learning Organization.
To realize it vision and mission an organization has to manage its knowledge to compete with another organization. One of that way is with knowledge management (KM) applies. Invariably, as an organization PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA), to facing the competition and high demand it was need knowledge management for answering every work demand.
As a continued and commiment WIKA applying knowledge management in the company organization, so in August 18th 2005 Kick off knowledge management applied as Learning Organization.
Knowledge Management was an interface or a bridge between Knowledge User and Knowledge Resources. To find out its owned concept, there was a terminal term that has to understand, i.e.: data, information, knowledge, type of knowledge and management knowledge itself. Beside that it has to understand the formation of knowledge from data, information, to become knowledge.
From several term above, it can conclusion if knowledge management is a systematic process to find, choose, organizing, summarize, and provide information with certain way for enhancing specific knowledge mastery. In other word knowledge management is a technique to manage knowledge in the organization to creating value and enhancing competitive excellence. Through implementation of knowledge management WIKA expected to improve the company performance as a smart goal to achieved the vision of WIKA Star 2010.
Knowledge Management was an interface or a bridge between Knowledge User and Knowledge Resources. To find out its owned concept, there was a terminal term that has to understand, i.e.: data, information, knowledge, type of knowledge and management knowledge itself. Beside that it has to understand the formation of knowledge from data, information, to become knowledge.
From several term above, it can conclusion if knowledge management is a systematic process to find, choose, organizing, summarize, and provide information with certain way for enhancing specific knowledge mastery. In other word knowledge management is a technique to manage knowledge in the organization to creating value and enhancing competitive excellence. Through implementation of knowledge management WIKA expected to improve the company performance as a smart goal to achieved the vision of WIKA Star 2010.
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