Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007

MAKE Methodology

MAKE Methodology

The Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) research program is based upon the Delphi research methodology which was developed in the 1950s by the Rand Corporation as a long-range forecasting tool. When using the Delphi research methodology, a panel of experts is asked a series of specific questions over several rounds.

After each round of responses, individual opinions are shared, allowing each panel member to see what the other experts think. Discovering other experts’ opinions helps to reinforce those in agreement, and to influence those who did not initially agree to possibly consider other factors. In the next round, the experts revise their estimates. The process is then repeated, usually for no more than three or four rounds.

The Delphi method promotes unbiased exchanges of ideas and discussion and usually results in a convergence of opinion. It is one of the best approaches to forecasting long-range trends and opinion.

The goal of the MAKE research is obtain a consensus of expert opinion regarding which organizations are leaders in long-term wealth creation based on transforming enterprise knowledge into superior processes/products/services/solutions.

Dunamis Organization Services, working in partnership with Teleos, has undertaken to conduct the Indonesian MAKE research. Dunamis is an Indonesian professional services firm incorporated in 1991. It is dedicated to helping its client achieve superior sustainable results. To achieve its mission, Dunamis provides assessment, consultancy and training in three major areas, namely: leadership development, organizational alignment and knowledge management.

In January 2005, Dunamis launched the inaugural Indonesian MAKE study with a public briefing to 74 people, representing 50 Indonesian-based companies. After the briefing and a question and answer session, these representatives were requested to nominate companies which they thought were eligible for the Indonesian MAKE study.

Round 1
The first round was the nomination stage. A total of 49 companies / organizations were nominated (see Appendix 3).

Round 2
A number of organizations declined to participate due to a variety of reasons (e.g., participating in another award process, not ready to participate, considering participation next year, etc.). A total of 15 organizations agreed to participate in the study:

Adira Finance
Anugrah Argon Medica
Asuransi Astra Buana
Bank Danamon
Bank Indonesia
Bank Niaga
Essilor Indonesia Excelcomindo Pratama
Garuda Indonesia
Lowe Indonesia
Medco E&P Indonesia
Medco Methanol Bunyu
Otsuka Indonesia
Unilever Indonesia

These 15 organizations were requested to prepare a Company Knowledge Profile, supported by evidence. Each company or organization had to receive recommendations from at least 50% of the 2005 Indonesian MAKE panelists to become a Finalist. Based on the Company Knowledge Profile and supporting evidence, 12 companies were recognized as Finalists (see Appendix 4).

Third Round
In the third and final round, the expert panel members rated the Finalists against each of the eight knowledge performance dimensions which form the MAKE framework. Before a decision was reached on the Indonesian MAKE Winners, the data was checked. An independent panel gathered to witness the verification results. Members of the independent panel were instructed not to change the aggregate scores. However, any discrepancies between data submitted as evidence and the actual situations of the Finalists resulted in the ‘demerit’ of the scores.

Dunamis Organization Services
Jl. Bendungan Jatiluhur no. 56, Jakarta 10210, Indonesia
Tel.: +6221 5720761
Fax: +6221 5720762

4 St. George’s Road, Bedford MK40 2LS, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1234 314197
Fax: +44 1234 308824
E-mail: info@knowledgebusiness.com
Website: http://www.knowledgebusiness.com

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