Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007

Training & Learning Program Bank Niaga



As stated in corporate philosophy, Bank Niaga has a strong commitment to continuously develop employee's potential and competency as optimal as it could, through variety of training, learning and development program. Each program that is designed, developed and delivered to employees is a media which is used by Bank Niaga to improve employee's quality so they can play significant role in a competitive banking industry.

There are 2 main sources which are considered as the focuses of training and learning activities, such as:

  • Improving Intellectual Capital in achieving Bank Niaga's competitive advantage
  • Developing a learning organization

Learning Principles

These are 3 existing learning principles:

  • All employees are responsible to learn continuously either for self-development or corporate purposes.
  • Optimum resource allocation to support employee development.
  • Creativity and innovation can be developed through conducive learning atmosphere.

Bank Niaga's commitment includes:

  • Establishing an organization unit that responsible in organizing learning and training of Bank Niaga's employees which consist of professional &qualified employee with reliable competency.
  • Establishing learning and training committee which consist of Director, Senior Executive, and Officer to ensure the accomplishment of Bank Niaga's vision and mission in developing human resources that is professional, competence and dedicated through learning and training activities.

Bank Niaga's Training and Learning Program

Bank Niaga's training and learning program are divided into two main categories;

  1. Learning Core Program
    Contains Bank Niaga's main program which is become the outline and reference of Bank Niaga's learning and training program.
  2. Additional Learning Program Contain programs that is not included in main program but required to complete the main program.

Training and Learning Evaluation's

Evaluation's approach that is used is to evaluate each program is conducted by using 5 evaluation level that is set according to its purposes. Evaluation result on particular level can have an affect on higher level. Nevertheless, to determine a result of an evaluation, it need also to consider to other factors that can have an effect on training and learning result which are not always controllable.

The 5 steps of evaluation that begins from the lowest until the highest are:

Level 1
Evaluasi Reaksi (Reaction).
Level 2
Evaluasi Belajar (Learning).
Level 3

Evaluasi Tingkah Laku (Behavior).

Level 4

Evaluasi Hasil (Results).

Level 5

Evaluasi Return On Training Investment (ROTI).


Executive Learning Program is a learning program for Bank Niaga's junior officer candidates. This program is designed and organized by Bank Niaga to fulfill the needs of junior officer according to required qualification & competency.

Type's of Program

Bank Niaga's Executive Learning Program consists of 2 types:

  • Executive Learning Program
    Program for participant outside Bank Niaga and candidates are being selected according to Bank Niaga's standards.
  • Special Learning Program
    Program for participant inside Bank Niaga and candidates is from clerical level that have been going through selection process according to Bank Niaga's standards and considered has meet the qualification as Junior Officer Bank Niaga.

Subject provided in this program covers:

  1. Professional Development
  2. Introduction to Banking
  3. Basic Accounting
  4. Introduction to Technology Information
  5. Treasury
  6. Risk Management & Audit Control
  7. Operation & Service
  8. Operation & Administration
  9. Export Import
  10. Credit Marketing


Objective of this program is to validate employee ability on specific knowledge or skills. Certificate that is given to employee on specific programs shows that the employee has all the ability, knowledge & skills required based on their participation & evaluation on the program.


Knowledge Management is method to manage variety of knowledge & process that can affect Bank Niaga's competitiveness. This method is expected to capture and utilize variety of knowledge from employees and then develop it in such a way so that it can be exploited creatively and added value for every task that the corporate needs to beaccomplish. Knowledge is a combination between data and information, including some expert opinions, skills and experience, which eventually can be used in decision making process. Knowledge itself can be explicit or tacit and individual or collective.


Knowledge management activities in Bank Niaga can be done in a various forms, such as:

  • Centralizing knowledge that is required to support Intellectual Capital at Bank Niaga. This centralization means storing all knowledge required for all employees.
  • Developing programs to share the important knowledge for employee. This can be done directly through various kinds of media.
  • Managing information, especially in electronic format to enable a faster & more accurate knowledge distribution.
  • Collecting knowledge concerning stakeholder, customers, to provide support in decision making process in every sector to achieve corporate goals.
  • Conducting an evaluation of individual's and organization capability for optimal knowledge management.

To expand employee insight, knowledge and innovation, besides strengthening learning culture in organization, Bank Niaga is organizing another type of learning activities which is called Management Forum Program.

Types of Program

Program's type including:

  • Book Review
  • Leadership Session
  • Management Update


On The Job Training Program is a learning and development program which is conducted through learning activity in a working unit where employees is assigned to learn activities in that particular working unit. The goal of this program is not only for increasing knowledge or skills that's required not only by employees' job & responsibility but also to prepare the employees to take higher level of job & responsibility.


Morning briefing is a learning program conducted in the morning time before working hours in such a short time that has purposes is to remind the employees about certain knowledge or skills concerning their job.


Refreshing course is a one of a learning program to remind or refresh employee's abilities on certain knowledge or skills concerning their job as an employee.

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