KM-Forum – an initiative from India | Posted: 4/3/2006 | By: Bhojaraju G | Category: Introduction | Hits: 153 |
| KM-Forum – an initiative from India - for Global KM and library professionals. Its an e-discussion forum. Invite you to join at This e-group brings together all the KM practitioners, consultants, and leading experts of the Knowledge Management in India elsewhere. | |
KM Cyberary - a gateway to Knowledge Resources | Posted: 4/3/2006 | By: Bhojaraju G | Category: Introduction | Hits: 124 |
| It is a not-for-profit service to the internet users across the world seeking information in various sectors started since 2003. The objective of the project is to provide a unique platform for all types of users to reach information. This is an accumulation of e-resources on KM & other subjects. This give links to various useful e-resources on Knowledge Management, Librarianship, Philosophy, Health, Technology, ITES/BPO/ ITIL, Call Centers, | |
Conceptual Modeling for Knowledge Management: Tutorial | Posted: 2/23/2006 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Knowledge Mapping | Hits: 142 |
| Conceptual modeling languages and techniques have been used to model parts of a software system and its operating environment. Knowledge Management is a new inter-disciplinary research areas which strives to offer concepts, tools and techniques for managing better the knowledge generated and disseminated within an organization. Conceptual models of this knowledge serve as foundations for its use and management. .... | |
MODELING THE DYNAMICS OF ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE | Posted: 2/23/2006 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Introduction | Hits: 135 |
| Organizational knowledge is a key competitive asset in the Information Age. The recognition of its importance has spawned great interest in Knowledge Management: the processes, systems and social structures designed to develop, exploit, maintain, and preserve organizational knowledge over time. This work contributes to the knowledge management literature by identifying and simulating the interaction between the knowledge-generating processes of the firm and its own dynamics. .... | |
Adaptive Knowledge Management: A Meta-Modeling Approach and its Binding to XML | Posted: 2/23/2006 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Technology | Hits: 127 |
| In this paper we propose a meta-modeling approach to adaptive knowledge management. It extends previous work by introducing an application-specific layer which allows to specify metamodels for different types of application such as teachware or business information. These models focus on the conceptual content structure of knowledge modules and their modular composition. They facilitate their managing, exchanging and dynamical composition to personalized information spaces. .... | |
Knowledge management technology | Posted: 2/14/2006 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Technology | Hits: 132 |
| Selected technologies that contribute to knowledge management solutions are reviewed using Nonaka's model of organizational knowledge creation as a framework. The extent to which knowledge transformation within and between tacit and explicit forms can be supported by the technologies is discussed, and some likely future trends are identified. It is found that the strongest contribution to current solutions is made by technologies that deal largely with explicit knowledge, such as search ...... | |
A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Management | Posted: 12/19/2005 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Technology | Hits: 134 |
| This paper outlines a case-based approach to overcome some of the limitations of the current system and raise its operational impact. The proposed approach establishes a unified framework to represent the development knowledge and provides a better search and browsing mechanism to retrieve relevant and useful information. | |
Managing, Mapping, and Manipulating Conceptual Knowledge | Posted: 12/19/2005 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Knowledge Mapping | Hits: 148 |
| Managing the knowledge assets of an organization re quires capturing and retaining useful knowledge and making it available in a usable form when it is needed in the future. This process is complicated by difficul ties in acquiring and representing knowledge, in access ing relevant knowledge, and in reapplying prior lessons to new situations. | |
Knowledge Management in Online Distance Education | Posted: 12/15/2005 | By: Haitan Rachman | Category: Case Studies | Hits: 135 |
| This paper studies online distance education provision to identify the major problems that hinder Knowledge Management practices. Focussing on online learning communities in which knowledge creation and knowledge sharing are essential elements, it tries to develop a set of guidelines to help overcome problems using tools and techniques from Knowledge Management. | |
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